
Think, therefore am

Who is the “i” in the famous Descartes' “I think, therefore I am”? Do I generate the thoughts or the thoughts generate my existence? Or maybe it’s a distraction to make it self-referential. Thoughts exist independently. Think, therefore am.

Your Self-Confident Baby

My four-month-old son starts to be more awake. What used to be 45 minutes turned into 2 hours. Min’an and I scrambled to figure out what to do. There are only so many things we can do around the home to entertain him. Feed him, put him on his back, then put him on his tummy, then walk with …

The Art of Screen Time

It takes a long time to feed a newborn. About an hour at least, sometimes even more. I kept the TV on throughout just to keep me sane, usually news channels, so I don’t have to use my hands to click another Youtube video. As my son gets older, his awake time gets longer. I’m not too keen …