
Untangling traffic is so …

Mini Motorways is a new game from the same developer who created Mini Metro. As somebody who played a lot of Mini Metro, I would argue Mini Motorways is a much better game: prettier, cleaner, less annoying. In Mini Motorways, you get to connect a bunch of houses to a warehouse. The colours have to …

Bye-bye to hard copies

Moving places sometimes sucks. It’s almost impossible to build a library of books. Hard copies are simply too heavy and too big to carry in suitcases. I left far too many books with friends in Sydney. At first, I told them to hold on to it, and later, chuck them away. It also happened when I …

Tyler Cowen on Beethoven

Tyler Cowen is a fascinating person. It took just one podcast episode from his fantastic podcast Conversations with Tyler for me to follow him around. Every few months or so, I search for Cowen’s appearance in other podcasts, and I get giddy when I spot him on Tim Ferriss' podcast and most …