
Free as in Daycare

I’ve been getting my freedom back because my son, Max, is now in daycare. I’m surprised at several things. It’s easy to forget I have a kid when he’s out of sight. I miss him when I see his room, but I was able to focus on work. I’m surprised at the high quality of …

Amenities are expensive

A friend just bought a house with a large backyard for almost 3 million AUD. My first reaction was envy. I also want my son to be able to run around freely in a big backyard. It looks so fun in the video. Our apartment cost just one-eighth of that. Of course, it has only one-eighth of the area. No …

Enjoying my digital …

After I spent many nights glued to my phone shopping last month, I promised myself to reduce this habit. I turn my phone into grayscale for the entire week. It’s hard to order food with it. My eyes took a lot longer to recognise dishes. It’s also hard to buy groceries with it. Tomatoes …