
Ray Dalio on the Russian …

Ray Dalio put up his thoughts on the Russian Invasion of Ukraine on his blog, where he focused on the bigger picture. I found it very helpful to step back and think about what it means to our world now, especially when compared to mindlessly scrolling on news or Reddit. In particular, he stated the …

Starting Gottman

Min’an and I started to attend couple’s therapy. We notice that we frequently get stuck on the same topics of discussion. Usually, these topics such as the child, money and future desires invite many heated arguments. We wonder if there is a better way to talk about these sensitive …

Big milestone, no …

Max started sitting down several days ago. He was seven months old. Both Min’an and I were stunned when it happened. He lifted his stomach using his four limbs from the prone position and started pushing his arms more. We saw these positions a lot, but usually, he would not get his legs close …