Big milestone, no celebration

| 29 Nov 2021 min read

Max started sitting down several days ago. He was seven months old. Both Min’an and I were stunned when it happened. He lifted his stomach using his four limbs from the prone position and started pushing his arms more. We saw these positions a lot, but usually, he would not get his legs close to his arms. But this time, he did. One leg at first, then the bum naturally fell to the other side.


We thought it was a random event, but he did it again about four times that day.

Sitting was such a significant milestone. The last one was easily three months ago when he could flip from the back to the prone position.

But he couldn’t even wait for a second to celebrate. Almost as soon as he could, he started hopping forward, like a frog, with all his leg muscles. It was hilarious to see his face immediately hit the floor.

He didn’t cry, though, because he was off to explore the world again.