Thanks for the second jab

| 3 Aug 2021 min read

A man asked me how I want my name to be printed on the vaccination card. He said the name I supplied was not the same as the one in his record. Singapore official documents usually state the surname first, just like the Chinese. But my lifelong habits of putting my first name first (doh) caused the record not to match.

Let’s follow the convention, I said.

I imagine a drama scene at the airport where I can’t enter the country because of this inaccurate recording. Oh, how much I’d like to travel. It’s such a distant memory from a past life.

The vaccination centre was set up in a community club nearby my home. Just like the first jab, the whole process is orderly. After the registration, I joined a short queue, then got jabbed. I was allowed to leave 30 minutes later once they made sure I didn’t get any adverse effects of the vaccine.

And that was it. I am now fully vaccinated against Covid. It felt like a closure of a bad dream, and I am so thankful for it.

I am so so grateful.

Min’an and I moved to Singapore in the same year the virus started. I’m certain that our lives would be much more difficult if we stayed in Sweden during this pandemic.

Other than the period of May-June 2020, I appreciate how effective is the government in managing the cases. We were able to resume our daily routines, go out while the sun is shining, and eat good food. It would also be mentally challenging for me to deal with a long and cold winter when in lockdown.

I’m grateful we didn’t have to spend much time sourcing for masks nor hand sanitisers. We’ve collected so many masks for free that at this rate, we won’t finish them all for another three years.

I’m thankful we didn’t have any shortage of toilet papers or any grocery items for that matter. We didn’t have to get into a fight ala what’s happening in Woolworths.

I’m grateful I get vaccines without the stress. Not only I don’t have to pay, but I could pick the vaccines I want. For this last jab, it took me less than a minute on my mobile to book the appointment.

I’m also thankful for my propensity to be grateful with ease. Life is so much more delightful this way.