Mini Motorways is a new game from the same developer who created Mini Metro. As somebody who played a lot of Mini Metro, I would argue Mini Motorways is a much better game: prettier, cleaner, less annoying.
In Mini Motorways, you get to connect a bunch of houses to a warehouse. The colours have to match: red houses have to be connected by roads to a red building, blue houses to the blue building.
Once connected, cars can appear from the houses to pick up packages from the buildings. So each trip is a roundabout trip. A car come out of the house, goes to the warehouse and then returns.
If you have unlimited roads, the best strategy is to keep the streets separated as to create fewer intersections and therefore less traffic.
But of course, the game limits the number of roads you can place. It forces you to re-use the same patch of road for different colour routes. The game ends when it takes too long for the cars to pick up the packages.
Before that happens, though, you will get plenty of opportunities to improve the traffic. And this is where Mini Motorways shines. You can use traffic lights, roundabouts, bridges and motorways to reduce the time on the road. Untangling a messy intersection with a roundabout is remarkably satisfying.
It’s a good game, and oh, it’s a pretty one too.