Enjoying my digital wellbeing

| 4 Oct 2021 min read

After I spent many nights glued to my phone shopping last month, I promised myself to reduce this habit. I turn my phone into grayscale for the entire week.

It’s hard to order food with it. My eyes took a lot longer to recognise dishes.

It’s also hard to buy groceries with it. Tomatoes look like grapes without colours. In fact, they would look like eggs if they were sold in dozens.

I particularly like how the phone, when in grayscale “bedtime mode”, doesn’t show anything, not even the clock, when the screen is turned off. There is no notification, no vibration, definitely no sound.

Mindlessly browsing the news still happen, though. Texts to me become more attractive as pictures become less so. But I’m glad to report that the aforementioned Lazada shopping habit reduced.

The life I have outside my phone unexpectedly changes. My husband and my son get more of my undivided attention. Because guess what?

They are displayed in full-colour, with more than 120Hz rate and definitely UHD.