The Art of Screen Time

| 8 Aug 2021 min read

It takes a long time to feed a newborn. About an hour at least, sometimes even more. I kept the TV on throughout just to keep me sane, usually news channels, so I don’t have to use my hands to click another Youtube video.

As my son gets older, his awake time gets longer. I’m not too keen to stick with this strategy. Screen time can get so addictive, and I want to be mindful when using any screens around him.

So I’m glad when I found this book by Anya Kamenetz, titled The Art of Screen Time: How Your Family Can Balance Digital Media and Real Life. The book contains less advice, rather many examples of thoughtful parents just trying to do their best.

I like what Kamenetz says in the introduction she wrote:

Enjoy screens. Not too much. Mostly with others.

It’s probably good idea to do this for us adults too.